Thursday, October 9, 2014

How I Do Toddler School: What Works for Me!

Now that I've been doing my version of Toddler School for a few weeks now, I wanted to take time to write about what works for me!

As a former teacher turned stay-at-home-mom, I've learned that I really like having a rough plan for my day.  I have two kids: Miss E is 2 1/2, and Miss L is only two months old.  Miss L still naps most of the morning, leaving lots of time for me to do activities with Miss E.  Miss E plays very well independently, but I like to make time for us to do school activities (and other activities) every day.

When I taught kindergarten, I structured my guided reading groups so that I had a repetitive plan for Monday through Friday.  For example, on Mondays, I introduced a letter and one or two new sight words.  The rest of the week was filled with specific activities.  When I started brainstorming for Toddler School, I decided to have a plan for teaching letters and doing activities.

Although Miss E already knows her letters and sounds, we can dig so much deeper!  For example, we're reinforcing her knowledge of sounds.  We're also working on first sounds in words.

So, I made a planning template that I use every week to plan our activities.  Each day, we do specific activities about that week's letter.  Then, I always plan two additional activities.  If we have time, we'll do more.  But I like to be realistic, especially with a baby in the house!  Here are the pages I created:

If you're interested in the plans, click here to download them from Google Drive!

I also made a bunch of materials that you'll see used each week.  I'll share these in another post!

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